Basic Needs of the Bereaved
1. Companionship and Privacy - a balance between the two. They need time to reflect on their feelings as well as time to share their feelings.
2. Opportunity for the expression of grief without embarrassment. A comfortable environment is needed where the bereaved can open up and express their feelings.
3. Recognition of the many symptoms that may occur as a result of intense grieving. These symptoms often resemble physical changes that occur during or after a serious illness and may include...
loss of sleep
loss of appetite
loss of strength
loss of motivation
inconsistencies in behavior
4. Support and assistance in becoming socially reactivated. They need someone upon whom they can depend and trust to help them in a variety of social situations.
5. A firm focus placed on the crisis/loss without being made to feel that they have a physical or mental illness.
6. Special assistance regarding business affairs and legal matters. They need someone to help them think clearly to settle important issues and plan for the future.
7. Above all, they need the opportunity to re-tell their experiences and loss. An active listener can dramatically facilitate the healing process. Be patient, and non-judgmental. Help them discover their own conclusions to the issues they need to resolve.
2. Opportunity for the expression of grief without embarrassment. A comfortable environment is needed where the bereaved can open up and express their feelings.
3. Recognition of the many symptoms that may occur as a result of intense grieving. These symptoms often resemble physical changes that occur during or after a serious illness and may include...
loss of sleep
loss of appetite
loss of strength
loss of motivation
inconsistencies in behavior
4. Support and assistance in becoming socially reactivated. They need someone upon whom they can depend and trust to help them in a variety of social situations.
5. A firm focus placed on the crisis/loss without being made to feel that they have a physical or mental illness.
6. Special assistance regarding business affairs and legal matters. They need someone to help them think clearly to settle important issues and plan for the future.
7. Above all, they need the opportunity to re-tell their experiences and loss. An active listener can dramatically facilitate the healing process. Be patient, and non-judgmental. Help them discover their own conclusions to the issues they need to resolve.
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